Miyerkules, Hulyo 4, 2012

scarborough shoal

Scarborough Shoal is a treasured island. It is located on the west coast part of Philippines particularly in Luzon. It is said to be rich in natural resources and minerals. An island like this is full of treasure given by our mother nature. From water to land, we can say that it is truly a paradise. Everything in this island is considered a gift from God, enough to make greedy country to conquer and take it away from being a property of Philippines.

This island is one of the 7000+ island in Philippines. Considering the land area, it only measures 150 square kilometers, too little island yet China still wants to claim it as their land even though maps around the world clearly shows that it is still inside the Philippine area of responsibility. Besides, this island is nearer to Philippines than China

Treasure in Scarborough Shoal - Philippines

The red marking with letter "A" is where Scarborough Shoal Island located. As you can see, it is also near from China  but only with "South China Sea". Additional to that, while looking at the map, you will see that the island is near to Philippine land compare to its distance from China land. It clearly shows that Philippines  is more responsible in taking care of this island than any other country.

So why does China still claim it as their land despite of the fact that it is still enclosed to Philippine Area of Responsibility? the answer is, because of its treasure, the treasure I mean is its natural resources that can feed billion people in China.